
I Welcome You To


Here, imaginations, dreams, and
stories are its inhabitants, dwelling at the
heart of real expressions, all born out of joy!

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About Me

Residing in Singapore, I am an experienced banking professional with a passion for Theatre and Film Scriptwriting. Additionally, I serve as a Co-Founding Director at Joy Story Foundation, a non-profit organization in India.

My love for storytelling blossomed from my small, everyday expressions and interactions I shared among family, friends, and colleagues. It bloomed further gradually, transforming me into a movie critic, blogger, and scriptwriter, leading to involvement in diverse creative and social projects.

I’m irresistibly drawn to the orchestration, mystical powers and grand design of the Universe. Inspired by this profound connection, in Soniaverse, I aspire to craft stories that spark joy and connect hearts, minds and souls with a sense of wonder and depth.

Thank you for stopping by here.


Movie- Love Yours Truly
My debut as a Writer and Assistant Director for the film, ‘Love, Yours Truly’ received a big stage in Singapore and in international film festivals. The movie released in Singapore theatres on 25 Sep 21 and in many international film festivals, winning over 12 international awards.
Many Lives, A Weakening Mind, A Wandering Heart, A Body Aged, A Story Of Many Words.. Words that Hurt, that Haunt...that Heal And that, which will be re written, to discover Love, Yours Truly!





Zee Runway Talent Hunt” in S'pore- 12 May 2018!

When a talent hunt show itself becomes a winner! ‘Zee Runway Talent Hunt’ by Dream Catchers!

The exclusiveness of the contest was that it included ‘Writing’ as a performing art, a rare inclusion in talent shows and the experience came across ‘Splendidly a Winning One For All’.

Personally to me, it felt that a mother in me was born again who enjoyed each kick and bumps, many flutters and flips, pushing me hard in delivering my labor of love- my brainchild manuscript I had crafted specifically for this stage. Though premature, it carried the weight of my words with pride.

Sharing glimpses of this beautiful experience!

MyVoice Vol.4: Journeys of
Survival, empowerment

Awarded Amazon Best Seller- Gold Recognition!

My chapter- I Found YOU To Find Me.

Proceeds from book sales donated to Singapore Children Society, publisher Global Influencers Publishing House.